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Portrait Mitarbeiter


A good house is a properly insulated house, and things start and finish with optimal roofing. The roof of a building doesn’t just keep out the wind and rain, it is also the final element of any building and is key to ensuring a pleasant ambiance inside with professional sealing and insulation.

We provide custom roofing solutions for our properties.

All under one Roof

It goes without saying that we will take any and all listed building requirements into account. When it comes to roof tiles, we offer an enormous range of colors and shapes.

All under one Roof

It goes without saying that we will take any and all listed building requirements into account. When it comes to roof tiles, we offer an enormous range of colors and shapes.

21 04 19 JANS 2613
Echternach Dach
Bedachung Echternach Hochformat
Echternach Ziegel Drone Shot
4 Photos

Carpentry and Roof Structures

Our staff is master craftsmen when it comes to carpentry and roofing. They are responsible for making sure your home has a perfectly insulated and sealed roof. Quality is our top priority, and as a result, we only use solid structural timber (Konstruktionsvollholz – KVH). KVH is a high-quality material produced on an industrial scale in spruce, fir, larch, pine, and Douglas fir.

Carpentry and Roof Structures

Our staff is master craftsmen when it comes to carpentry and roofing. They are responsible for making sure your home has a perfectly insulated and sealed roof. Quality is our top priority, and as a result, we only use solid structural timber (Konstruktionsvollholz – KVH). KVH is a high-quality material produced on an industrial scale in spruce, fir, larch, pine, and Douglas fir.

Dachdeckerei JANS
21 04 19 JANS 2970
Maschine Dachdecker Mitarbeiter
Mitarbeiter Dachdeckerei
21 04 19 JANS 2777
21 04 19 JANS 2946
6 Photos
Dach Haus Selscheid
Teamwork Bedachung

Whatever the Weather

Our staff seals and insulates roofs with absolute precision.

Dacharbeiten JANS Mitarbeiter
Abdichtung Mitarbeiter
Mitarbeiter Baustelle Badachung

Therefore we use only long-lasting and sustainable materials.

21 04 19 JANS 2833