JANS constructions
Entreprise de Construction Claude Jans SA
4, rue Tom L-9651 Eschweiler | B.P. 61 L-9501 Wiltz
Tel.: +352 95 75 06 | info@jans.lu
- Ministerielle Genehmigung: 00116400
- TVA :1993 2208 167
- id.intracomm.: LU 157 118 33 – BE 0445.994.023
- Grundkapital: 1.000.000€
- R.C B99506
Music on hold
We have a default music on hold on our pbx that was published under the creative commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0.
We need and want to give the credits to the author. https://www.jamendo.com/track/747913/sooslix-wind-song
JANS immobilière
Immobilière C.JANS & Associés S.A.
4, rue Tom L-9651 Eschweiler | B.P. 61 L-9501 Wiltz
Tel.: +352 95 75 06 | info@jans.lu
- Ministerielle Genehmigung: 0011640085422
- TVA: 1998 2202 445
- id.intracomm.: LU 174 072 77
- Grundkapital: 31.000€
- R.C B102762
Music on hold
We have a default music on hold on our pbx that was published under the creative commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0.
We need and want to give the credits to the author. https://www.jamendo.com/track/747913/sooslix-wind-song
JANS énergies plus
4, rue Tom L-9651 Eschweiler | B.P. 61 L-9501 Wiltz
Tel.: +352 26 91 50 | energies@jans.lu
- Ministerielle Genehmigung: 00138516/4
- TVA: 2007 2204 574
- id.intracomm.: LU 216 748 33 – BE 0809.338.603
- Grundkapital: 32.000€
- R.C B125105
Music on hold
We have a default music on hold on our pbx that was published under the creative commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0.
We need and want to give the credits to the author. https://www.jamendo.com/track/747913/sooslix-wind-song
JANS toitures
4, rue Tom L-9651 Eschweiler | B.P. 61 L-9501 Wiltz
Tel.: +352 95 75 06 | toitures@jans.lu
- Ministerielle Genehmigung: 10039327/2
- TVA: 2012 2213 308
- id.intracomm.: LU 255 386 45 – BE 0525.878.471
- Grundkapital: 32.000€
- R.C B170517
Music on hold
We have a default music on hold on our pbx that was published under the creative commons license Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0.
We need and want to give the credits to the author. https://www.jamendo.com/track/747913/sooslix-wind-song